
Showing posts from July, 2015

Easy Peasy Pickles

Today the pickle cucumbers are ready to harvest. Seemed just the right time to repost this gem of a refrigerator dill recipe!  Anyone remember the pickle episode from The Andy Griffith Show?  All Andy and Barney had to do was give Aunt Bee this easy peasy recipe for refrigerator garlic dills and their troubles would have been over! But NOOOO... The resulting hilarity was worth it on the sitcom but at home, I much prefer a big success on days like today, when the cukes are ready to pick from our backyard garden. This one is a winner!  EASY PEASY PICKLES   2 pounds Kirby cucumbers
 1 cup apple cider vinegar
 1 cup water
 1-1/2 tablespoons pickling salt (or Kosher salt) 
4 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed (2 per jar)
 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper per jar (1/2 teaspoon total)
 1 teaspoon dill seed per jar (2 teaspoons total) 1/8 teaspoon yellow mustard seed per jar (1/4 teaspoons total) Wash, dry and cut cucumber end so they will fit in the jars. ...